Guide your heart
Love / Perseverance

A beating heart

These past 35 weeks have tested my perseverance and commitment. Each week I have published a new post with original writings and paintings. I wrote at every spare moment. Often continuing after the sun set in shades of splendour, then painting under a warm yellow hue whilst darkness carried many to slumber.
During this time, I started my website, undertook my first drawing and transitioned to my first painting.
My enduring love for writing has amalgamated with a fresh love for painting. My passion for self-transformation and helping others continues to strengthen.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all those who have supported my work.

As my final post of 2022, I leave you with this poem I wrote whilst sitting in a park, where birds crept by and said hello.
Read it slow.

A Beating Heart

From chambers within echoes a familiar voice
Whispers soft yet authoritative in tone
Open thy door and let thy soul be free
Behold the beauty beyond thy house of bone

The wind howls songs of eternal praise,
A heart with purpose beats, Love, Love, Love
For another dance the blue sky yearns
Seeking to pass this Light in embrace above

Tethered to thy body this heart still bound
Responsibility ours to guide it sound

More to come in 2023. On holidays until then 😊

Best wishes

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Malcolm Weatherhead
December 13, 2022 at 5:12 pm

There is no Poet Laureate scheme in Australia but fine verse like that Saif
would merit consideration.

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