Why be afraid?

A frown and a dance

O’ Rain, when you fall,
He frowns.
Why so? Maybe this frown,
Was passed down.

O’ Rain, when you fall,
She dances.
Why so? Maybe this dance,
In adversity makes a good stance.

Sheltered we may have been,
Fixed in our ways, we may still be.
Patterns of ours, repeating, unchanged.
With time, becoming dominant, an inner alignment arranged.

Though not necessarily by us alone.
Others too, have an effect.
How they are,
May leave a scar.

There comes a time of awakening.
When we begin to realise,
That we can challenge our ways,
And let go of all that burdens our days.

O’ Rain, when you fall,
We begin to see,
That you are sent with Love,
From the Eternal One above.

O’ Rain, when you fall,
We begin to feel,
This frown we must carry no more,
Rather, we shall smile to open a new door.

O’ Rain, when you fall,
We begin to understand,
That you have given us life,
Without you, we would be in strife.

O’ Rain, when you fall,
What shields us from your touch,
We must set aside,
For us to turn this tide.

For too long, have we frowned,
Not having met You beneath the open skies.
Now, we are standing here,
Having whisked away our fear.

O’ Rain, when you fall,
Hide from you, we shall no more.
Dance shall we, as does she,
From all that holds us back, we must break free.

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August 26, 2022 at 5:26 am

Freely experiencing rainfall can be very exhilarating.
Something in our DNA which tells us “don’t stay in the rain” !

malcolm weatherhead
August 26, 2022 at 2:29 pm

Saif thank you for your latest post .
Your use of Rain as your theme prompted me to grab my ipad and do a little research regarding rain and human behaviour.
I read one study concluded that children exhibited their worst behaviour when barometric pressure fell.
one theory why this happens is that positive ions in the atmosphere increases blood pressure and irritability .
also heavy rain can make you hungry , when the sunshine is blocked , serotonin decreases.
According to Manchester police records crime fell during rainy periods
anther study found that women were adversely affected psychologically by rain compared to men .

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