A wish, then and now
I recall a super-power I wish I had…
Whilst growing up, I remember asking myself that if I had any super-power, what would I wish for?
NO, it was not the power of being INVISIBLE and robbing banks… although the thought did cross my mind.
I had a thirst for attaining knowledge. I must say, this too was not always by doing hard work. I envisioned placing my finger on another’s forehead and having the power to absorb all of their knowledge.
Unfortunately for them, I may have left them knowledge-less.
At the time, I may have been orientated by SELFISH-ness, not SELFLESS-ness.
A new wish arises
The super-power that I now wish for, is to place my finger on another’s forehead, and absorb all the good within them. I do not wish to starve the other of their goodness. I only wish to share it, to absorb it, then to use it towards doing good.
Observing the good in others has led me to the realisation that I must seek self-betterment.
My life partner inspires me to do better. With her, I find a great balance. Any other trajectory may have brought about a great imbalance.
In seeking betterment, I developed a burning desire for self-transformation.
So what does it mean, to self-transform?
There are many dimensions to this. I will only state one at this time.
To change, within myself, all that I do not like, and all the things that I know I can do better.
There it is again, the self-affirmation, “I CAN”.
I also say “I KNOW” because I believe.
I believe so strongly, that I see. When I see, I can set forth, towards attainment of that which I seek.
Self-affirmation is a great enabler.
It may seem harsh to acknowledge ALL that we do not like about ourselves, or the negative aspects of our being. It may seem as though we are putting ourselves down. On the contrary, acknowledgement is an uplifting process, it is a source of inspiration. To acknowledge that there is both good and bad within, to identify that which is good, and that which is bad, is a necessity for the work required for any meaningful change ahead.
The greatest basis we have for our change, is our own faults. If we were not faulty, there would be no reason for betterment. Furthermore, one who is not faulty, cannot be human.
I am steeped in faults, and I love the challenge that this brings.
By acknowledging our faults, we grow. By overcoming our faults, we rise.
In life, it was not intended for us to remain idle.
If we were idle from within, we would not exist.
The journey towards betterment, of self-transformation, is anything but idle.
Which brings me to this calling…
I believe there is no greater endeavour, than the pursuit of betterment, the journey towards self-transformation.
So I call upon you, my dearest fellow travellers, to join me on this beautiful journey.
Together, we can gain far more than any individual endeavour.
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