As big as a snow globe
It is a big world out there.
As big as a snow globe, compared to what lies beyond.
We can only see so far.
Even in what we see, we miss so much.
In a way we piece together the snow globe in which we reside.
We tend to focus on those aspects aligned with our own biases.
We perceive the way we want.
We ignore that which does not relate to us.
We forget to zoom out.
We even create the shield that encircles our world and keeps us trapped within.
From where we stand, we try to make sense of what lies directly in front.
We have little perspective of all that lies beyond, all that lies within.
We may be blind to the larger world encompassing our snow globe, to our intricate world within.
To see the other side, we must travel far.
Although, this long journey may still be within the same snow globe.
Our imagination helps to carry us beyond what we see.
Some truths can be uncovered by our imagination.
Although, a great many truths beyond our glass shield may remain a mystery.
Even within our shield, we can realise that our realms are not the only realms.
Each person looking out into the distance, sees their own inner and outer realms.
To truly appreciate our realms, inner and outer, and how they relate, we must consider our presence within this snow globe, this snow globe’s presence within the larger world ‘seen’, and the presence of the ‘seen’ within all that is ‘unseen’.
Consider all that we miss in what lies beyond, in the realm ‘unseen’.
The ‘unseen’ gives perspective on how insignificant we really are.
The magnitude of the ‘unseen’ cannot be perceived.
The ‘seen’ is infinitesimally small in relation to the ‘unseen’.
The miracle of all that is ‘seen’ originates from all that is ‘unseen’.
We see the gust of wind, but not the air within. We see the flowing rivers, yet not the water that resides in each of us. We see the rays of light, but not the particles that constitute this light. We see the shining sun, but not its eternal Source.
It is the dependence of the ‘seen’ upon the ‘unseen’ that begets humility.
The world around us is abundant.
This abundance is minuscule compared to what lies beyond.
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