Banishing from reality
Within each of us, there is good and bad. Our ‘good’ may include love, kindness, empathy, positivity, giving and gratitude. Our ‘bad’ may include hate, anger, aggression, selfishness, jealousy and negativity. Over time, our inner regions associated with good and bad develop in different proportions.
Our observations, experiences and actions help determine the allocation of good and bad within, forming part of our inner alignment. Stronger regions within are more dominant. Greater inner forces are generated by these regions, compared to those that are weak. Such forces generate thoughts, feelings and sense-perceptions, which influence our actions and behaviours. Our dominant actions and behaviours stem from our dominant inner alignment. At any given time, we can be orientated more towards good or bad, and this may change depending on the setting.
We can work towards increasing our orientation towards good by diminishing our alignment towards bad. Whilst all our domains continue to exert some influence, we must ensure the net effect is good, that is, the good outweighs the bad, and the ratio of good to bad improves.
This is a daily battle. Each day we must overcome our bad. We must embrace and strengthen what is good. The good and bad that resides within, is under our control. We can be the master of our constitution (make-up), or we can be its slave. Slowly, we can consciously remove layers from our bad alignment and add layers to our good alignment. I refer to this as a form of conscious expansion and unconscious re-alignment. We can re-define ourselves, build a better self, and be the best version of ourselves.
From your present reality, banish the parts within, that are bad. Send them to another dimension, diminishing their effect upon your reality. In terms of space and time, we human beings are limited. Choose wisely what you store within. Your inner realms, their influence upon your outer realms, are governed by what you store within, your constitution, your nature. Make room within for only what is good. Bring these parts to the forefront. Make them dominant. Work on them each day, at every opportunity, during every interaction.
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From our infancy we are taught to recognise the difference between good and bad behaviour.
Some are taught to believe that there awaits a decisive choice at death
between Heaven and Hell.
A common question asked by the young is , if God is so powerful why is there such evil in the world.
Of course you cannot answer such a hypothetical question .
Then there is a matter of hypocrisy where evil is considered acceptable and here is the question where military Padres are concerned.
A soldier had a young enemy in his sights , he sees he is about the same age , late teenager , both are conscripts , I killed him Padre , was that good or evil.
The obvious answer is that God is on our side.