One brick at a time... Pave the path that you wish to walk upon

Define your Path

Years of development, of growth, of forming an inner alignment, brings one to their present existence. Our development is not always by choice. In our formative years, we are utterly dependent on others. We imitate and learn from others. We are guided by others.

As we mature, our inner alignment continues to strengthen, and not always for the better. How often do we challenge the way we are?

One day I awoke to the realisation that the direction I was headed in, my path, could be altered. 

A realisation that I could set my own rules, that I could guide myself.

A realisation that what I am to this day, is not where I must be at the end of my days.

A realisation that I CAN, that I MUST do better.

So, I decided right there and then, that I would do something about it.

I decided I was going to change.

I was going to give it everything I had.

I was going to make self-betterment the purpose of my life. 

All that I was, to that day, would be put to the test. 

Over time, I would bring to the forefront of my consciousness, all aspects of my being. Here in my conscious realm, I would seek to make sense of what I am.

I would seek to make better, all aspects that should be better.

There are so many factors that define who we are, that shape our path, that guide our journey.

When we realise that we can change the path we are on, this realisation begins to change the very nature of our existence, of our being.

Changing yourself takes significant effort, however the reward is immense.

One can never reach an ideal state of being. However, every step towards betterment is a worthy step, closer towards this ideal state, of ‘wholeness’, where the unconscious and conscious realms of an individual become aligned. 

I believe success in life is taking those steps, towards the path of goodness. 

One brick at a time… Pave the path that you wish to walk upon.

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Malcolm Weatherhead
May 25, 2022 at 9:13 pm

Very comprehensive Saif.
Now in my 90th year I can look a long way back but my horizon is short.
I can understand your aspirations and can compare your comments to the many of my stages of life with it’s self searching for a good fulfilling life.
You will succeed , you are comprehensively describing your aims in life .
You have implanted these in your mind and the rest will follow.
I know.

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