Hey! Slow down... Isn't it wonderful?
Beauty / Here and Now

Embrace what is

In our pursuits, in chasing our legacy, our transient life whizzes past. Caught up in the time yet to come, or the time gone by, we miss this moment, and all that lies within it. When we are not present in the ‘here and now’, all the wonders that lie in plain sight, are nothing but a blur. In this state, one cannot rely on their senses, for they are clouded and distorted. They seek what is not. They do not embrace what is. Our perceived beauty of this world becomes reduced, trapped somewhere within an entangled mess, leaving only the faintest hint of all that lies beyond our concealing veil. As we run forth, from one finite goal to another, our veil grows, blinding us evermore. In a material world, it is easy to lose sight of our #soul, of our connection to all that is unseen, and to all that binds.

When one slows down, when one pauses, one can awaken to this present moment. Layer upon layer of beauty awaits your gaze. Look and it shall take your breath away. Feel and it shall sweep you off your feet. Contemplate and you shall come to know of an undeniable Truth. All that lies within this moment, all that encapsulates it, all that comes from it, all that is drawn towards it, all is linked to this Truth. When one observes and reflects upon all the wonders of creation, they re-open within themselves their lost door towards the Eternal Source. This door remains shut for so many of us, enclosed by the bustle of life.

Take a moment and look around you. Observe. Deeply observe. Near and far, transpire the miracles of life. There are more shades of colour than those conceivable. The light, its reflections, they play, they dance, they rejoice, firmly hand-in-hand, one follows the other, never to leave its companion. Even shadows are of Light, for shadows cannot exist without it. Leaves of every kind, in synchronous harmony with the wind. The wind sweeps through skies blue, flowing land unto land, tree unto tree, leaf unto leaf. Nothing untouched, including the hearts of those who observe. The heart may suffer in life’s pursuit. The beauty of this world brings unto this heart, its relief.

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Malcolm Weatherhead
October 15, 2022 at 5:52 am

Due to daily pressures of life much of what we are gifted passes us by unnoticed.
Easy it is to simply accept much as normal without question..
In spite of the horrors inflicted by us humans on one another we have the opposite.
Insignificant experiences present in so many forms ,many of which are a delight.
Smell of freshly mown grass, Rain, Seasons . Beauty everywhere if we take time to enjoy.
The profound silence afforded after a heavy fall of snow and its thick acoustic
If we take time to ponder there is so much on offer.
William Wordsworth.
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’r vale’s and hills
when all at once I saw a crowd .A host,of golden daffodils,
Beside the lake,beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

October 16, 2022 at 4:25 pm

What a beautiful reminder to slow down and see all the beauty that we are constantly surrounded by. In the hustle and bustle of daily life of running from one thing to the next, it is so easy to get caught in the blur and stop seeing, stop appreciating and miss all the best things that this life offers. Thanks for sharing another inspirational post :))

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