Giving... Strengthens, the Giver's Heart. Makes the Receiver's Heart Smile. Melts the Observer's Heart.
Give / Love

Giving Heart

For those who give, their heart strengthens.
For those who receive, their heart smiles.
For those who observe an act of giving, their heart melts.

Central to each of these conceptual functions (strengthening, smiling and melting) in relation to giving, is a ‘softening’ of the heart.

Is it not true, that each act of taking, without giving, hardens the heart? Is it not true, that each act of giving, without taking, softens the heart? A softened heart allows thoughts, feelings and sense-perceptions to flow with less resistance from one’s outer realm to one’s inner realm, thereby enabling flows of empathy. It permits flows to pass from one’s inner realm to one’s outer realm, transpiring into flows of love and kindness unto others.

Softening of the heart is to purify it, to cleanse it from contamination, to reconnect one’s soul to a light pure, untainted by darkness. This is done by doing good deeds, by giving.

Giving gives perspective.
It enables one to appreciate all they have, to be grateful for all their blessings.
For those who do not have, yet still give, their souls shall find a way.
For those who have it all, yet still take, greed leads their souls astray.

I deem ‘giving’ to be an enablement force, whereby one enables self, those who receive, and those who observe.
Those given to, are more inclined to give back.
Their inner alignment, shaped by acts of giving.
This giving, reciprocates, unfolds, passes from one to another.
One’s impact, multiplied by their good deeds.

Giving strengthens one’s heart. It grows, becoming integrated with other hearts.
Hearts combined, greater than any single heart.
Flows of love and kindness, from one to another.
From seeds of creation sown by the Eternal Love, they spread.

Upon reflection of all that is given, the miracles of life, the lush land below, the blue skies above, the beginnings of each atom, travelling across galaxies, bound by the Purest Love, one then realises that giving is central to all existence.

The Universe gives proof of our Creator. The Sun gives warmth to the Earth. The Earth sustains life. All who live, given life, their time. Time gives perspective, humility and gratitude.

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Malcolm Weatherhead
September 16, 2022 at 1:41 pm

We give and receive in so many ways.
Encouragement, solace, smiles ,greetings ,words of comfort ,humour , caution .
Then there is the subject of money which in polite society is the least discussed.there is the famous passage in the Great Bard’s Macbeth.where advice is given from father to son. Quote.

“ Neither a lender or borrower be
For loan oft loses itself and friend
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry”

I am speaking here from experience .
In retrospect it would have been a better outcome if I had insisted that it be a gift.
The outcome was I lost friend and money.

I admire the many individuals who give their time for others ,their reward is satisfaction.

I witnessed the ultimate sacrifice in the Korean War by a comrade who received no recognition . He gave life. As a platoon commander he was ordered to attack an enemy position . For those 30 men it would have been carnage.
He ordered his men to stay put . With a grenade in each hand he charged the enemy only to be cut down in a hail of machine gun fire.

Leslie Foxton. RIP. 6 th October 1951.

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