Grounded with Humility
Lose sight, not, of ground.
For, it is here, from which you rose.
Reach for the skies,
But do not forget,
All that has enabled you to reach.
Should you fall,
The clouds you rose above,
Shall easily disperse.
For it is not they, that sustain,
The weight of woman or man.
It is the ground below.
This ground remains,
Your foundation,
Your platform,
For every rise,
For every fall.
Make good, your foundation,
And every step, every leap, every flight, every fall,
Shall be from a baseline of goodness.
Each rise, fruitful.
Each fall, softened.
At the core of a foundation, most worthy,
Lies the principle of humility.
With humility,
Recognise and acknowledge your inferiority.
To do so, is an act of great courage.
Often, one is arrogant.
Arrogance may bring material success.
Though, it comes at a cost,
That of character.
Therein lie the sins of the devil.
Such a path, leads one astray.
Arrogance blinds us from this truth.
Humility reminds us,
That it is not our doing.
Indeed, our doing, talent and hard work, guides us.
It helps to make it so.
But it is not the only reason for success.
By thinking so, we lose sight,
Of all the complexities that contribute to our rise.
The seen, and the unseen,
The known, and the unknown,
The forces that truly guide us.
Success in this world,
Is linked to privilege, to opportunity,
To good fortune, to luck,
To being present at the right time,
The right place.
Just as we rise,
We can also fall.
All it takes is a moment.
One action unworthy, one thought wicked, one feeling ill,
Can initiate a spiral of demise.
With humility,
We realise our insignificance.
We appreciate it.
We embrace it.
We become open.
We become less rigid.
We become whole.
With humility,
We must act.
Just as we fall,
We can also rise.
When you rise,
Lose sight, not, of humility.
Humility keeps you grounded.
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