I am not an artist... But I have something to say... And I shall find a way
Discovery / Growth

Growing through Expression

🔸“I am not an artist”:

This form of expression, drawing, is new to me. One must not fear what is new.

🔸“But I have something to say”:

One must not be afraid to use the voice they have been given. The voice given, serves a purpose. It is a representation of one, like no other, for no two can be the same. Do not fear what others may say.

🔸“And I shall find a way”:

When one finds new ways to express, they discover and bring into existence new functions within self and new representations of self.

If we are a function of all that we have ever known, then if we were to expand upon what we already know, we thereby expand the basis of our functioning, and our functioning in itself. 

This is the nature of growth through expression.

We are a certain way. When we seek to learn an alternate way, we build upon or even change the way we are. We begin to shift our inner alignment. This occurs through discovery of new regions within, which can generate new flows of thoughts, feelings and sense-perceptions. Through new forms of expression, we can alter our existing flows, or make sense of them. 

New forms of expression may be writing, or drawing, or painting, or singing, or dancing, or speaking more confidently, or learning a new language, or being more open, or voicing your opinion, or being more courageous, or anything else different to what you already do, different to what you already know.

Each representation of expression embodies the soul of the one who expresses. Until the very end, before its eventual return to Him, this soul is contained within the shell of clay. However, the soul long seeks escape from containment. It seeks to be re-united with the Creator of all created, though it is afraid to do so, and wishes for a prolonged presence on this Land of Tests.

The soul yearns to grow.

It seeps into the crevices of all representation, whether in aesthetic form, by voice, or through action, including these movements of pencil upon page, or each word written within a sentence.

Growth in your ways of expression leads to growth within.

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