The burden we drag... LET IT GO... Accelerate Your Growth

Letting go of burden

Emotional baggage from our past holds us back. It is a mental burden that we drag behind us. It hinders us. It acts as a frictional force upon us, preventing us from moving forward. Even if we overcome the friction this burden presents, we move slowly, making little progress.

This effect can be conceptualised using physics, based on Newton’s Second Law of Motion, whereby a Net Force is required to move a Mass, changing its speed over time, causing it to Accelerate. Similarly, I believe a Net Force is required for our Acceleration in growth. I deem this Net Force to be the difference of our enabling forces (those acting towards our progression) and our disabling or resistive forces (those hindering our progression).

To move forth, our self-enabling forces must be greater than our self-disabling forces. In other words, if our conscious will (an enablement force) is sufficiently large to overcome the resistive forces that hold us back, then our Net Force will be positive. A positive Net Force results in our progressive motion. For example, when we set goals and we consciously set out to achieve those goals (self-enablement), we must overcome our opposing forces of procrastination that prevent us from reaching them.

Now imagine that we increase our burden, our Mass, by holding onto our emotional baggage. We do this by readily bringing up our past grievances, by seeing through our tainted lens, by storing and drawing upon our bad experiences, making them dominant within our inner alignment. 

A larger Mass is harder to Accelerate, to move forward. According to Newton’s Second Law, we must exert a greater Net Force to move this Mass. The greater our burden, the higher our effort must be. We are less likely to progress. We may even be incapable of producing the greater Net Force required to overcome our burden, as it may be beyond our current limits.

To progress, we must LET GO of the burden we pull. By doing so, we will become more effective, requiring smaller forces of conscious will and effort to move forth. With a reduced burden, we are less likely to burn out. 

LETTING GO helps us Accelerate our Growth.

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Malcolm Weatherhead
July 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm

Saif , I like your scientific analogy from Newton.
If you let the load take over you will spend the rest of your life like Sisyphus.
Who wants that ?

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