My Blog Inspiration
Today, I find myself reflecting on my blog inspiration.
What surrounds me:
The sun rises. It is the 16th of April 2022. A beautiful day.
I feel it’s warmth. I hear the crows, their distinct cries, their calls to one another, and to the world around them. Some flock together, chasing one another. Some stand alone. There is one that stands on a metallic antenna, perched high, on a house nearby, looking upon the calm river, into the distant horizon, calling out to all who listen. It takes a leap, and flys away, with purpose. I feel the same.
In the distance I see a plane take off. Up and Away. I feel the same.
Beginnings of my Blog:
It has been six days since I purchased the domain name for this website. I have started posting here. The website went ‘live’ just a couple of days ago. However, I have removed public visibility for the time being, whilst I set-up some of the basic features.
I have been writing a book over the past few years. Whilst doing so, I have been contemplating and defining my purpose. I have been transforming myself. It has been the most incredible experience. I have come so far. I have so much farther to go. This blog is a new phase of my transformation journey.
Recent Inspirations:
It’s been a few months since I posted on LinkedIn, until recently. In the past few weeks I have increased my posting activity. I have been busy undertaking a Graduate Diploma in Psychology at Monash University, whilst I work full time. It’s been tough. Though, I do it because of my deep passion for learning about myself, about human behaviour in general. Thus, I cannot complain. It is a burden that I have chosen.
Anyways, going back to why I brought up the topic of LinkedIn. I noticed that I have connected to very few influencers. Recently, I came across a LinkedIn post from Susan David at https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanadavidphd/, https://www.susandavid.com. I was browsing her profile, and I came across her ‘Influencers’ page, which shows the influencers that she follows. As I scrolled through, I found Gretchen Rubin.
I had never heard of these two authors.
A contemporary flaw:
Whilst writing my book, I have hidden myself from some of the contemporary works, so that I maintain originality. I have learned that this is a flaw. I must embrace all the beauty around. The world is full of wonder, of knowledge, of inspiration. I am inspired by so many people, including those I am yet to discover. A great love for humanity has evolved within me over time. I digress…
(I love taking the tangential path. There is a great joy in losing oneself in the moment, and finding oneself again)
Going back to…
Gretchen Rubin:
I searched for her and came across her blog, https://gretchenrubin.com.
Inspired to Blog:
Gretchen’s blog inspired me. It helped me to design my own. I decided to put my writing out there, into the world. I decided to seek connections with like-minded individuals. I have a great desire to help others. I knew that I first had to help myself. I have. Now I feel that I am ready to serve others. I know that I will never be fully ready. To progress, we must take action. ACT NOW. MAKE IT HAPPEN. I SHALL. I MUST. I CAN. I often say such phrases to myself. This is how I often start my day.
I am inspired by women. And men. Though women have had it tougher over the years. So I shall stick with what I originally said.
Hello wonderful readers:
I am ready to post. I am ready to serve. I sit here, writing this post, with a burning desire. To fulfil the purpose that I have defined for myself.
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Thank you Saif , I have subscribed .
We all have the same journey through life , at times very testing , but generally it is through our human connections that we manage to withstand the hard times.
For the first time I am not joining my veterans unit on the March on Monday as my comrade Roy is no longer able to walk.I
As they say ,Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
ps. You see my email address contains EBORACUM
After the Roman conquest of Britain , the Roman Army established a military base on the river Ouse named Eboracum.
Then after the Viking invasion it was named YORVIK.
That eventually became known as YORK.
As I am a Yorkshireman I chose it for my email address.
Hello Malcolm,
Great to see you here, and thank you for sharing.
Indeed, it is our connections that help us through those difficult times. Also, we must find the strength to go onwards from within. We are each tested in different ways, and through difficulty we evolve.
Wishing your comrade, Roy, all the best.
Thank you for sharing this saying. I searched for it online and found the poem from Laurence Binyon (1914):
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
Lovely historical perspective on EBORACUM. It is interesting to see that you have selected the origin, Eboracum, rather than what it has come to be known as, York.
Warm wishes
Whither the fates call.
That is the motto of my regiment the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers.
I am not a fatalist but how true is the saying that today is the day we were worried about yesterday.
I remember distinctly , during one horrendous day during the Korean War ,saying to myself “if I come out of this unscathed I will compare this to all future concerns”
I am not recommending experiencing terror as a necessary requisite but it taught me to think more objectively about life concerns and difficulties.
Beautiful motto, QUO FATA VOCANT – Whither the fates call.
You came out unscathed, you have lived fully and may you continue to do so.
Thank you for sharing your experience of terror during the Korean War.
Significant life experiences can alter one’s foundation, and serve as a reference for all future experiences, often unconsciously, and sometimes consciously.
Best wishes,
Thank you Saif.
I have only one matter that periodically causes me a little concern .
Now and again I ask myself whether I told Wendy how much I loved and appreciated her enough.
65 years marriage , being a long time , is easy to lapse into an attitude of acceptance as just another marriage.
Wendy always said She would go first and I would manage.
We all wish we could have some of our life again to make changes but here again I am reminded of QUO FATA VOCANT.