Do you see it? See what? The obstacle?


There are obstacles we place in front of ourselves,
Their constitution a construction of our imagination,
Others cannot see them, except they see our hindrance,
These objects, they exist not in reality, 
Yet they exist in our perceived reality.

They hinder our flows,
They serve as our resistance,
Established by us, our own limits,
They get in the way,
Of a path that could have been clear.

A potential reduced for the vessel of potential, 
A soul that is bound within a boundary self-defined,
A flower that unfolds its petals in part,
A stem that grows to a height curtailed,
A blossom unrealised by one who has potential to realise.

Just as the obstacle is placed, 
It can be removed.
Just as the flows are restricted,
They can flow unimpeded.

It begins with recognition of the obstacle placed.
To see the obstacle clear,
To understand the reasons for its placement,
To gaze deep within the one who places,
These are prerequisites to its removal.

One may not see their hindrance hindering,
Whereas an observer may see it clear,
For they are not obstructed the same as the one obstructed.
Their guidance then, the obstructed ought to seek,
For wisdom is increased by every exchange.

Be not dismissive of another’s feedback.
Their offering of insight is as water to the seed.
One who grows alone can remain stunted.
One who grows with the help of others,
Can grow beyond the growth of one.

One barrier also leads to another,
A collection of obstacles is a gathering of resistance,
By Ohm’s Law we know,
The greater one’s resistance,
The greater their drop in potential.

Obstacles are easier to add than to remove,
Just as clutter is easier to amass than to discard.
One has to exert greater effort,
To drive their flows through their hindrance.
Thereby one becomes more reluctant to change.

Obstacles removed from one’s inner realm,
Serve to increase one’s capacity to function,
Permitting one to flow with greater ease,
Unlocking unconscious domains of discovery,
Enabling one to realise their potential.

Words and art by Saif Mir @trans4mingself

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Malcolm Weatherhead
March 29, 2023 at 8:08 am

Living a human and animal life is an obstacle course..
If it were not ,then the process of evolution by natural selection would not have taken it’s course and our species would have failed.

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