Perceiving Truth – Part 1
Tell me, what of your truth?
My truth is the truth for me,
This is true.
My truth is the only truth,
This is false.
My truth is only my perception,
Dependent upon the lens through which I perceive.
If this were tainted, cracked or shattered,
Then do I perceive what I ought to perceive?
Does one of tainted truth value their truth blindly?
Does one with cracks in their disposition pretend they exist not?
Does one of shattered glass perceive the world as unshattered?
Yet I value my truth, ’tis my guiding sight,
And I seek to better my truth from within,
So my lens can be worthy of holding a purer light.
I oft say to another “Assume not another’s truth”,
A silent thought then ensues,
How is one to perceive without assumption?
A gentle whisper then whispers,
If I were to assume my truth to be true,
Then I would err greatly in assumption.
And I must not be blind to see,
There is much beauty, much wisdom,
In another’s truth, their sightly kingdom.
Words and art by Saif Mir @trans4mingself
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On the last day of my schooling , the headmaster uttered two parting words of advice to me “Be Yourself “
I cannot say that I have always acted accordingly .
Sometimes Yourself does not apply to a situation..
We have to tell White Lies to be kind . We have to say we are enjoying when we are not , to be kind.
To quote the great bard “all the world is a stage and we are the players.”
Plainly , my headmaster was saying do not assume you are something you are not as that is being untruthful.