Step into the spotlight
Step into the spotlight. Long have you remained hidden. The darkness you must leave behind.
Lay claim to what is yours.
This is your stage. Stand upon it.
This is your time. It waits for no other.
This is your body. Step forth.
This is your mind. Take reign.
This is your voice. Use it.
This is your story. Tell it.
Your Audience is none but this One.
This script has been written for you, not another.
It is you who must come forth.
There can be different versions of the self.
It remains your task to define the constitution of ‘you’ that stands upon this stage.
Your Audience asks for you. No one else.
Your Audience is none but this One.
Who steps forth will determine how this play will play out.
So, bring forth your true self.
With intentions good, to be your best self, to be grateful, to give.
Only your true self will be called to answer.
Only your true self has the ability to dismiss those imposters residing within.
Leave the imposters free for long enough, and they become you.
Just as they can grow to dominate, they can also be weakened to terminate.
In the end, your Audience shall pierce through all the imposters and find only what’s true, within your heart.
Your Audience is none but this One.
Remember, where there is fear within, there is also courage.
Courage you shall require in taking centre stage.
Fear you must embrace, for it keeps you in-check.
You need no claps, silence will do.
Your Audience is none but this One.
Ordinary you may be, yet there is no one else exactly like you.
Unique attributes you have been given. Shy away from them, not.
Embedded within, only for a given time, is a soul that must eventually return.
Your Audience seeks your soul, untainted as it once was.
Your Audience is none but this One.
Tell your story, with courage.
Seek purity. Seek humility. Seek your best self.
Your Audience is none but this One.
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Saif ,I think Shakespeare encapsulates what you have written here ………
All the World’s a stage
And all men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts.