Humility / Love

Teachings of a butterfly

As a butterfly that graces the air, our words too must be uttered, gently. Language, bestowed upon us, is one of our greatest gifts. Our words when eloquent, soft and graceful, are most befitting of this gift. A wonder of nature, the elegant butterfly, serves as a reminder, to go forth truthfully, with clarity, humility, kindness, love and in peace.

Its colour green, the truth of our voice. Words of falsity have no place. Words of honesty, of justice, strengthen our foundation of truth and integrity within. Without truth, we are at a great loss, an identity without identity. The butterfly’s form, authentic, unable to hide its colours true, represents the beauty within all creation.

Its colour blue, the clarity of our speech. We must choose our words wisely, speaking only what is necessary. This creates space for us to listen. Through clear communication we can reduce misunderstandings. In clarity, there is purity. Whereby the lens through which we sense-perceive is less tainted, preventing us from going forth blinded. Whereby, the heart through which we feel is enlightened, not darkened. Whereby, our thoughts are pure, not evil.

Its colour orange-brown, the humility in our song. This clay that houses our soul, of perfect mould, made from this earth. A constant reminder that we must remain grounded. Arrogance has no beauty. Its origin, a barren and hardened soil, that bears no fruit. Its wings, too easily clipped. Its fall, too steep. Its span, short-lived.

Its colour pink, the kind whispers of our soul. To soften the heart, we must speak softly. A softened heart is to a soul, as a mother’s womb is to an unborn child. Our words when delicate and considerate, penetrate far deeper than any thorns of harshness.

Its colour red, that of love. From a loving heart, our words shall penetrate other hearts. Only with love, do we find unity, within self and with others. Words of hate, they starve our soul. They lead us astray, far from the straight path, away from the Eternal Love.

Our voice is representative of our inner being. A gentle voice emanates from a purer soul. Our voice, when softened as a butterfly, helps to purify our soul.

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October 6, 2022 at 10:55 pm

Absolutely inspirational and may we all be able to speak drawing on all the elements described!!! To speak only with truthfulness, clarity, humility, kindness, love and peace :)) Even this drawing encapsulates the essence so splendidly without the need of a single word, beautiful, just beautiful Saif :))

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