To know thyself, Become acquainted with thy night

The Guiding Night

This night. Moon-lit dark.
A realm awaiting discovery.
Though I ought to sleep,
Its treasures keep me awake.

Flows from my unconscious,
They come out and play.
Drawn to the stars,
They have waited all day.

The Sun oft conceals,
My innermost flows.
Just as it veils the night,
And deprives me of my inner sight.

You see, the day reveals a beauty immense,
Rendering it difficult to gaze within.
Whereas nightfall fades my outward vision,
Senses quietened, to my soul I can listen.

Always present, this unconscious night,
Like the eternal darkness, a carrier of light.
Constellations gather in the realm unseen,
Spawning undercurrents of my thoughts and impulses.

Peaking and troughing, they fluctuate in waves,
Some serve as warnings, intuit guidance, others as urges.
Oft exceeding my thresholds, these surges,
Undifferentiated and raw, charging into my conscious caves.

Each day, my unconscious night awaits the setting sun,
Hiding beneath the horizon, shading every shadow.
Lift any rock and behold the cool cradle that rocks below,
Shut thy eyes and witness a realm beyond thy earthly sight.

I see now, ‘tis the night that guides, not the day.
The day, when my conscious realm is king,
When I am awake, When I am aware.
The night, when my conscious day lays slumbering.

To know myself,
I best become acquainted with my night.
To be guided by the All-Guiding Light,
I best gaze in awe, upon the heavenly stars.

We too are comprised of a starry composition,
At the Core of our hearts, therein lies a shining gem.
For us to see its glow from within,
We must rest our eyes in this worldly realm.

Words and art by Saif Mir @trans4mingself

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Your pal, Jason
January 31, 2023 at 9:21 pm

Your path started long ago
I remember our conversations, laughs and chatter
Through various trails and error
Geez, Saif Mir your material is getting better and better!

    February 1, 2023 at 9:29 pm

    Hi there Jase, great to hear from you 🙂
    Thank you so much for your kind words, really appreciate it 🙂
    I too remember our conversations, our laughs and chatter.
    Conversing with you is always a pleasure.


Malcolm Weatherhead
January 31, 2023 at 9:47 pm

A beautifully written work of art taking us through night and day.

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A Raging Soul

February 8, 2023