The Night Prayer
I have recently discovered the joys of the night prayer…
The night prayer.
When there are no distractions,
When sounds are unheard,
When the night envelopes,
When the stars decorate,
When the world slumbers,
When you sacrifice comforts,
When you struggle to rise,
When you stand upright and recite,
When you prostrate for forgiveness,
When you prolong your worship,
When you remember in every breath,
When all other thoughts are silenced,
When all other sights lay hidden,
When surrounded by darkness,
To your right, to your left,
Above, below, behind, in front,
When you seek Light,
When the soul shines brightest,
Just as each star above,
When you give yourself,
When you are most devoted,
When your mind is free of all else,
When your heart is most open,
When your prayer is purest,
In the night,
When you are lit from within,
In the night,
When He is closest,
The night prayer.
Words and art by Saif Mir @trans4mingself
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We are at war.
I was one of three brothers, the middle one .
We shared the same bedroom.
Daddy was called up and posted overseas.
Mummy would kiss us goodnight and tell us to say our prayers.
Ray would start with the Lord’s Prayer ,then pray for daddy’s safe return.
Then my turn to pray likewise .
Then David who was only 5 years old at that time could only repeat
the request to bring Daddy back.
That of course only if David has not fallen asleep by the time it was his turn.
Our prayers were answered , Daddy returned safe and well .