
This Mist

Had I a crystal ball,
I would look not unto it,
For the foretelling of a future,
Shall ruin its pursuit,

O’ Beloved, give me a mist,
So I cannot see what lies beyond,
So I do not embrace what is gone,
So I am not distracted by all around,

A mist that hovers with purpose,
So I may find the path with a light sufficiently lit,
Not suffice that I may see clear all obstacles,
Yet suffice that I may take one step in turn,

If I could see each obstacle,
I would learn to climb without climbing,
I would walk without walking,
Just as I would live without living,

Then, it is not coincidental, this mist,
Made to rise as the oceans unto the clouds,
Made to fall as the rain drops unto the earth,
Just as we, made to rise and fall,

With you, O’ mist, each step mine may be slow,
Yet I shall feel each twig crackle under my feet,
Each leaf quiver in the coolness of my shadow,
My path thus marked as I come towards you, O’ Beloved,

I say, Ay, bring upon me this mist,
So I can find You through toil,
For finding You with ease,
Is not finding You at all,

If I could see all that lies ahead,
I would have naught to strive to,
For I would know what awaits in each hour’s hand,
If I held my hands in prayer, what whisper would I pray?

This mist, then, is a great gift,
A reminder that I do not know where the fork splits,
Or where the valley sinks,
Or where the hilltop rises,

In this mist, I am not alone,
A thousand thousands of misty drops,
Dance in my every breath,
And whisper Thy every name.

Words and art by Saif Mir @trans4mingself

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Malcolm Weatherhead
January 2, 2023 at 9:03 pm

Without a crystal ball and the ever present frontal mist behind which lies the future , we have choices.
Decisions , optimism and pessimism or as some would say all is preordained.
To set our course through life we need goals which lie in wait for us if we could see through the mist.
The mist of course is also a blessing .
Advance knowledge that some disaster awaits would be hard to bear.
Long live the mist.

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