Tiny Reflections – Part 1
I have not perceived you, this is true.
Under my feet, you have perished.
By my weight, you have been crushed.
A fool’s walk, I have walked.
I had not felt your presence,
Until recently, as I thought,
If I am to perform good deeds each day, even small,
Then I could easily start with you.
It seems just yesterday, that I began to perceive you.
That day, I promised I shall not harm you.
That day, I became inclined to wish upon you, peace.
That day, I began to realise your worth.
For all who are created,
Are tested for their worth,
And you have not failed,
As I.
For how could you fail?
What sin could one assign to you?
What challenge could one pose to your humble claim?
Who would dispute your indisputable service?
Today, you have taught me humility,
Indeed, I gaze down to see you,
Yet, I do not look down upon you.
Within my soul, I feel your mighty presence.
Just as you,
Are we not many in number?
Are we not seeking to survive?
Are we not susceptible to nature’s crush?
Are we not roaming this land together?
Are we not working to live?
Are we not dwelling in communities?
Yes, there is much we can learn from you.
To work hard,
To be disciplined,
To thrive together,
To support one another.
I see now that you surpass me in many ways.
That you are kind to this earth,
That you tread upon it, gently,
That you do not utter words that can hurt.
Just because I cannot hear you,
Means not that you do not listen.
Just because I cannot comprehend you,
Means not that you do not speak.
You go about,
With whispers soft,
Rendering a service so diligent,
Without grudge, nor envy.
You go about,
In your own way,
With intent and purpose,
Giving praise to our Creator.
Words and art by Saif Mir @trans4mingself
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