Water the seeds of Love
Within the one who hates, the roots of HATE continue to grow.
They suffocate the flows of LOVE that ought to roam free.
This HATE torches and burdens the soul.
It gives life to roses un-red.
Their petals wicked, their stems sharp, their smell, foul.
HATE can consume.
It hardens the heart.
It darkens the thoughts. It taints the feelings. It obscures the sight.
It creates a vacuum, devoid of joy.
Starve any roots of HATE, I shall.
They shall die of an eternal desert thirst.
Banish, I shall, all HATE from within.
Utter the word “HATE”, I shall not.
This word forgotten, my thoughts cleansed, my feelings rejuvenated, my perceptions reconstructed.
Hating another shall become foreign to me, as a shooting star is to a lake standing still.
HATE is never again to set foot unto this Awakened House.
Here, there is room only for the dancing spirit of LOVE.
Where LOVE shall reign free.
Bountiful, unstifled by the HATE that once was.
Only the seeds of LOVE, I sow deep within.
Each day, I shall water these plentifully.
Their roots shall grow stronger and become unbreakable.
Crushing what remains of those weakened and withering roots of HATE.
These roots of LOVE shall intertwine with others, near and far.
LOVE will connect my mind to my heart, my heart to my soul, and my soul to the Creator, the source of all LOVE unconditional.
LOVE will flow through me with immensity, with sheer intensity.
Over time, its strength shall build.
Roses shall once again be RED. Leaves once again green.
The Devil will always seek to enter the Land of LOVE.
This HATE will try, again and again, to penetrate my soul.
Yet LOVE will stand strong as a Guarding Fortress.
Each day, I shall proclaim my LOVE for LOVE.
My softened heart shall beat to LOVE’s exquisite tune.
To LOVE, nothing is foreign, it flows directly from the Source of all creation.
It seeks to reconnect all who have forgotten.
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